Stephanie Shintani Smith shares how she launched her research career and what has helped her along the way.

Stephanie Shintani Smith shares how she launched her research career and what has helped her along the way.
Experiencing severe physical limitations made these otolaryngologists realize how physical their jobs really are. Here are some important lessons they shared.
Even with ethical principles available to guide physicians in their approach to clinical ethical dilemmas, doing the right thing often requires bravery and personal risk.
Proposed changes to the the U.S. healthcare system’s primary fraud and abuse laws were finally unveiled in October 2019. Here’s what the reforms mean for physicians.
Equity is not just a “women’s issue” or a “minority issue.”
Turn to ENTtoday to find new inspiration from colleagues and insights into topics that don’t often get covered through the eyes of an otolaryngologist.
Ashok R. Shaha, MD, one of the world’s most respected head and neck oncology and endocrine surgeons, say his humble upbringing continues to shape his medical career.