Like many physicians, otolaryngologists at mid-career may experience some form of burnout and be looking to make a professional shift. Indeed, a study published in the Annals of Surgery last year found that otolaryngologists had high rates of career burnout that paralleled those of trauma and vascular surgeons.
Otolaryngologists View Resident Work-Hour Restrictions: ACS calls for in-depth investigation before mandating further restrictions
In response to many national calls to enhance patient safety, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) mandated a maximum 80-hour workweek for all residents beginning in 2003.
Can You Go Home Again?
Balancing Work and Personal Life Requires Planning, Preparation, and Patience
Ask just about any resident or young physician just starting out in practice how his or her personal life is going and the most common response you will likely get is, What personal life? or something to that effect.