Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) coding system encompasses some 10,000 codes, and the set is continually evolving to keep pace with ongoing advancements in science, technology, clinical protocols, data management, and more.

Physician billing, coding tips for duration of patient care, office visits, consultations
Panelists offer tips for dealing with accountable care organizations, hiring mid-level providers, raising patient satisfaction scores, coding and billing changes, and supporting maintenance of certification efforts at the Triological Society’s Combined Sections Meeting in Miami Beach, Fla. in January
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Analysts predict the influx of insured patients that are expected to flood the healthcare system will likely shrink physician reimbursements, cause some otolaryngologists to flock to larger healthcare systems or limit access to patients with private insurance plans, and exacerbate the shortage of specialists
New Current Procedural Terminology codes, including codes for reporting pediatric sleep studies and intraoperative neurophysiology monitoring, are now available.
A provision in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that places an excise tax on the sale of medical devices would apply to some tools used by otolaryngologists
The Independent Payment Advisory Board will have the authority to cut Medicare provider spending to keep it below a cap, with unprecedented autonomy
A 27.4 percent Medicare cut was scheduled to begin Mar. 1.