Robert Ossoff, DMD, MD, said he “never in a million years,” as a young doctor, thought that he would be standing at a podium giving the presidential address to the Triological Society at its Combined Sections Meeting in January.

Robert Ossoff, DMD, MD, said he “never in a million years,” as a young doctor, thought that he would be standing at a podium giving the presidential address to the Triological Society at its Combined Sections Meeting in January.
Diana C. Ponsky, MD, assistant professor of otolaryngology-facial plastic and reconstructive surgery at Case Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, went to medical school wanting to be a pediatrician. She happened upon otolaryngology “by accident, by scrubbing into a very fascinating cancer case. I was hooked,” she now recalls.
It’s a fact: An increasing number of American women are entering medicine. In the U.S. today, half of matriculating medical students, and 28 percent of all practicing physicians, are women.
Ask just about any resident or young physician just starting out in practice how his or her personal life is going and the most common response you will likely get is, What personal life? or something to that effect.