What's the best way to earn patient trust?
- Spend time with the patient; don't rush. (64%)
- Be knowledgeable. (21%)
- Be professional. (10%)
- Create a good first impression. (5%)
Start Date: March 11, 2015 @ 1:30 pm
End Date: No Expiry
Do any of your patients use a personal health record?
- Unsure. (33%)
- Yes. (33%)
- No. (34%)
Start Date: February 12, 2015 @ 3:02 pm
End Date: No Expiry
Do today's physicians-in-training have it harder than you did?
- Yes, requirements for medical school and residency are tougher now. (39%)
- No, the millennial generation has it easier. (35%)
- Unsure. (26%)
Start Date: January 14, 2015 @ 1:00 pm
End Date: No Expiry
Have you paid off your medical school student loans?
- No, and I have a lot more debt to repay. (43%)
- I never took out a loan for medical school. (29%)
- Yes, I no longer have student loan debt. (21%)
- No, but I've nearly paid off the debt. (7%)
Start Date: December 10, 2014 @ 3:25 pm
End Date: No Expiry
Are there benefits to participating in an ACO?
- Yes (56%)
- Unsure (33%)
- No (11%)
Start Date: October 9, 2014 @ 12:57 pm
End Date: No Expiry