Post-Operative Pain in Children Undergoing Tonsillectomy
Challenges in management as codeine use falls under scrutiny.
Challenges in management as codeine use falls under scrutiny.
Incorporating health literacy practices into patient care.
Minimally invasive techniques and a multidisciplinary approach to treatment yield restored functionality and a better quality of life for patients.
TORS alone effective for select cases of oropharyngeal cancer; swallowing exercises during cancer treatment and muscle maintenance; better analytic tools needed for pediatric OSA; individualized education improves language skills in UHL; vitamin a not an effective treatment for olfactory disorders; ECD as alternative surgery for benign parotid tumors.
President Barack Obama’s and former Governor Mitt Romney’s positions on issues affecting the medical profession.
The art of purchasing a piece of medical equipment requires the perfect combination of medical, financial, business and legal expertise.
The question of how much time off to provide, as well as how to ensure staff does not abuse the policy, can leave practice managers confused. Here, we help you navigate the waters of paid time off.
When there are more physicians and administrative staff coming and going in your medical practice than patients, there’s likely a problem with the hiring process.
Physicians are increasingly incorporating lightweight computers, mobile phones and tablets into the delivery of health care, which comes with the potential for distraction.
A new study again raises the issue of cancer risk with CT scan usage.
Evidence regarding the addition of antiherpetic medications to high-dose steroid therapy in the treatment of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
The Association of American Medical Colleges is preparing a new slate of recommendations for improving the way med schools screen students in an effort to get at what kind of people the applicants are—and whether they have the qualities that will make them good, caring doctors.
The Society for Middle Ear Disease aims to promote public and professional awareness of the importance of otitis media as a major health problem.
The clinical decision to treat or not to treat children with AOM remains controversial.