Career Development

Otolaryngology Training Short on End-of-Life Care Advice
One presenter offers guidance on what otolaryngologists can do to offer comfort to their dying head and neck cancer patients
One presenter offers guidance on what otolaryngologists can do to offer comfort to their dying head and neck cancer patients
Certain serious childhood head and neck infections tend to occur in particular sites by age, according to research presented here at the meeting of the Southern Section of the Triological Society.
Doctors should consider extending the course of antibiotics in patients with chronic sinusitis before giving up on conservative medical therapy and going forward to surgery, according to research presented here at the meeting of the Southern Section of the Triological Society.
New mandated requirements for residents at hospitals require the young specialists to do a lot more than just attend classes; they have to be able to demonstrate that they have achieved some proficiency in specific areas of medicine.
When dealing with patients who have complex sinus disease who have failed a number of treatments, there are still various approaches the otolaryngologist–head and neck surgeon can use.
Some clinicians, primarily gastroenterologists, doubt the existence of laryngopharyngeal reflux.
Targeted therapy in addition to radiation may be a viable approach to head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, although more research is needed before such treatment becomes part of the standard of care, according to experts interviewed for this article.
Early data on stimulation of Heschl’s gyrus are promising, but more research is needed
Physicians are changing the way they think about rejuvenating the aging face.
One of the enjoyable aspects of our specialty is the variety of patients and problems we see every day.
For many years, all vascular anomalies were called hemangiomas.
A new, minimally invasive technology known as balloon sinuplasty can safely and successfully dilate blocked sinus ostia in select patients with chronic sinusitis, according to early observations in a small number of patients.