Call of Duty: Personal, Professional Merits of Humanitarian Work
Telling a patient that he needs a full laryngectomy can be tough for any physician, but if the patient and the physician don’t speak the same language the conversation can be baffling
Telling a patient that he needs a full laryngectomy can be tough for any physician, but if the patient and the physician don’t speak the same language the conversation can be baffling
The panel made the recommendation amid an epidemic of deaths resulting from and addictions to opioid painkillers in the United States
The American Thyroid Association released the third iteration of its thyroid nodule and thyroid cancer guidelines
It is rare that students and residents are exposed to a dedicated geriatric educational experience
These studies demonstrate signicant benefit of bimodal stimulation over a single CI
There is an abundance of nonrandomized studies suggesting that endoscopic DCR with the mechanical removal of bone is a viable alternative to external DCR
For patients with asthma and CRS, the addition of intranasal corticosteroids improved asthma symptoms and control as well as FEV1
ESS improves CRS-related subjective olfactory dysfunction with greatest gains seen in those with poorer CT scores at baseline
OSAS is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, as well as increased risk of poor sleep and low QOL
Better AC thresholds were demonstrated with the VSB in the mid- to high frequencies; the functional gain with the VSB was also signicantly better
Of ce-based laryngology procedures have a favorable cost comparison with their OR counterparts
An association between CRS and EoE as comorbid conditions suggests that a familial component is contributing to the etiology of both diseases