Some Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Resists PPI Treatment
Little evidence exists for how to manage LPR that doesn’t respond to traditional treatment
Little evidence exists for how to manage LPR that doesn’t respond to traditional treatment
The committee is one of eight American Board of Otolaryngology committees
As more otolaryngology procedures are performed in-office, practices must prepare to handle life-threatening situations
Common mutations in GJB2 and GB26 genes may cause sensorineural hearing loss
Otolaryngology practices have until October 1, 2013 to begin reporting data to meet regulations set by CMS
As otolarngology practices earn more income from meeting quality measures and patient satisfaction goals, dividing money among staffers becomes an increasingly important consideration
Adenotonsillectomy in obese children improves AHI but not inflammation; improvements in OSA after weight loss in obese diabetic patients even after weight regain; ESS a viable choice for children with CRS and failed therapies; otolaryngology hospitalist model can work for inpatient practices; enlarged vestibular aqueduct indicates stronger risk of hearing loss progression; patients with VFP thyroidectomy incur high cost of care
The optimal regimen is weekly debridement until normalization, or at least stabilization, of the endoscopic exam
Evidence exists for employing both selective neck dissection and modified radical neck dissection in this setting
A well-rounded emergency preparation plan in a medical practice will include policies and procedures to address potential incidents of workplace violence, which is, unfortunately, a real concern in the health care industry.