Otolaryngologists Gather at COSM for 2016 Triological Society Annual Meeting
The 119th Annual Meeting welcomed otolaryngologists and other professionals to come together to improve and expand their knowledge and skills
The 119th Annual Meeting welcomed otolaryngologists and other professionals to come together to improve and expand their knowledge and skills
Lecturer describes shift in healthcare from 1946 through the ACA
Highlights from meetings held by seven other otolaryngology societies at COSM this year
Dr. Lucente accepted the award, noting that the society “has always had strong leadership, but it is a society of leaders who are here”
Winners of the Harris P. Mosher Award and Edmund Prince Fowler Award
Reasearchers at the annual meeting of the Triological Society discussed antibiotics, nasal irrigation, ESS
The possibility of de-escalating treatment is being evaluated in a clinical trial of participants with HPV-positive stage III-IVA oropharyngeal cancer
A panel of experts at the Triological Society Annual Meeting discussed the importance of communication and transparency as the industry shifts toward a new risk-based payment model
Your decisions can have far-reaching social and cultural implications, and impact the safety and outcomes of each patient
The most commonly used adjunctive measures are drain placement, application of tissue sealant, and use of compression dressings
The choice between MRI and CT will have to be determined by individual clinicians, based on their assessments of relative risks and benefits
The MCID can be a useful tool to evaluate and compare group outcomes
Following the two-stage autotransplantation, xerostomia was reduced in the long term due to improved saliva production of the reimplanted gland
Whereas treatment of established Frey syndrome with botulinum toxin is effective and well accepted, prevention seems a better alternative
High complication rates and a lack of proven best approaches suggest tailoring the approach to address the potential risks based on location and severity
TGDC cancer diagnosis compris- es a heterogeneous group that includes true TGDC cancer, pyramidal lobe primary, Delphian node metastasis, and indeterminate case