In Memoriam: Robert A. Sofferman, MD
Personal tribute to the late head and neck surgeon, known for being an excellent teacher and motivator
Personal tribute to the late head and neck surgeon, known for being an excellent teacher and motivator
Three fictional cases depicting a potential scenario physician’s may encounter
Legal steps that need to be taken before you can leave your medical practice
A new computer program may be able to predict which hearing-impaired children treated with cochlear implants will develop effective language skills two years after implantation
Many physicians are hailing a Congressional proposal to streamline the audit process of the CMS as a good step forward
Readmission rates vary directly with the type of procedure performed, as well as patient level factors
Comorbid DM or Hch may indicate a smaller probability of major or moderate PTA improvement for patients with ISSNHL
Patients who underwent UPPP±T without DISE did not show a statistically significant difference in outcomes compared to the patients who underwent DISE with other procedures, including TORS
Three recent advancements can treat a large number of patients who have the condition
This article was originally published in The Laryngoscope. 2013;123:304-305. Background Current trends in auditory rehabilitation for single-sided deafness (SSD) reflect a renewed interest in the functional impact of unilateral hearing […]
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy continues to be employed for treatment of all stages of ORN despite its lack of proven efficacy