Custom 3D-Printed Tracheal Splints
Custom 3D-printed tracheal splints have had a profound impact on the children who receive them, their families, and the medical professionals involved.
Custom 3D-printed tracheal splints have had a profound impact on the children who receive them, their families, and the medical professionals involved.
Who should care for otolaryngology patients when they present to the emergency department (ED)? And how should the physicians who care for those patients be compensated? Those two questions are at the heart of a conundrum that has escalated over the past two decades.
Providers must do their own due diligence when introducing a new device to patients. We need to understand the risk–benefit profile compared to our current gold standard.
The use of Facebook by physicians provides psychological safety and well-being in a novel way that far exceeds what may or may not exist or be offered by our employers as a human resources or Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education function.
Prepare early. Gather data. Develop a plan. Know your market. Consider termination. Hire a lawyer. These are some tips experts suggest physicians and physician groups keep in mind when negotiating contractual arrangements with insurance companies.
Combining minimal access endoscopic approaches to the ITF can provide significantly greater exposure than an isolated endoscopic transnasal transpterygoid approach (EETA), thereby providing enhanced access to address lesions with extensive involvement of the ITF.
Awake videolaryngoscopy intubation is an excellent strategy to adopt in patients with laryngeal cancer, particularly when potentially complicated intubation is expected.
The case study underscores the necessity of a thorough clinical and diagnostic evaluation in patients with atypical presentations of GPA to prevent severe complications.
This study describes the successful use of a hybrid resection and laryngotracheoplasty procedure that maximizes airway luminal patency in adults with successful decannulation.
Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) comprises less than 5% of thyroid cancers but is responsible for more than 10% of deaths related to thyroid cancer.
Antithrombotic management is a key component of surgical optimization, as it necessitates balancing the risk of a peri-operative thrombotic event with the risk of bleeding.
Although en bloc resection remains the standard of care for primary treatment of oral cavity squamous cell carcinomas (OCSCC), methods of intra-operative assessment of margins vary.