Retirement Doesn’t Always Mean Leaving Medicine
Have you thought about what you’ll do after retirement? These otolaryngologists are still involved in medicine on their own terms.
Have you thought about what you’ll do after retirement? These otolaryngologists are still involved in medicine on their own terms.
Faculty and residents, alike, need to prioritize their own well-being and take time for self-care and the care of loved ones.
Although single-use devices are convenient and may be more appropriate in specific patient care scenarios, the environmental, economic, and human health costs must be considered.
Laryngomalacia (LM) is the most common congenital laryngeal anomaly caused by a delay in the maturation of supporting laryngeal cartilages. Three-dimensional exoscopy has had satisfactory and promising results in adults, but only a few pediatric series have been published.
Electrocochleography (ECoG) has historically been used for measuring hearing thresholds and identifying endolymphatic hydrops in Ménière’s disease. More recently, ECoG application has expanded to monitor electrical potentials during cochlear implantation as an indirect measure of cochlear trauma.
Laryngeal reinnervation should be offered to all patients independent of patient age or duration of denervation, as it can improve voice and swallowing. Long-term denervation, however, may result in a smaller degree of improvement.
Staging severity of laryngopharyngeal reflux with more objective testing is crucial to understanding its natural history, forecasting response to treatment, and it may serve as a gateway to considering surgical treatments.
Self-reported taste changes in patients with oropharyngeal cancer who have had TORS are frequent; suspension time and glossopharyngeal nerve injury are unlikely to cause symptomatic TDs.
Compared with all other patients, extremely premature infants have equivalent decannulation success but are at an increased risk for complications following LTR.
Dissatisfaction with one’s speaking voice is common, and a considerable percentage of the general population without voice disorders would consider interventions to change it.
Although functional outcome expectations are similar between candidates who elect to receive or forgo cochlear implants, the latter have higher baseline CI-specific quality of life abilities.
Findings suggest that cancer survivors have a significantly higher prevalence of both audiometry-confirmed and self-reported hearing loss than the general population.
Results show the feasibility and reliability of motion capture technology in studying extrinsic laryngeal muscle kinematics.
The newer DaVinci single port system offers the potential advantage of increased access and flexibility through a smaller incision and working tunnel.
This conservative technique for treating nasal septal deformity in a newborn with a nostril retainer allows preservation of the medial wall of the maxillary sinus with consistent benefits in terms of postoperative morbidity.
This full-extension eyebrow approach allows full exposure of the frontal sinus with a large osteoplastic bone flap and preservation of the supraorbital nerve.
The Procreate application was utilized on iPad Pro to intraoperatively annotate 3D renderings of head and neck surgical defects and resection specimens. By using Procreate on an iPad, the surgeon could annotate intraoperatively without breaking scrub to indicate the breadth of supplemental margins harvested in real time.
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