Instrument Sterilization: What’s the Evidence?
Joint commission guidelines may be overinterpreted in some cases, with no improved value or lessening of harm.
Joint commission guidelines may be overinterpreted in some cases, with no improved value or lessening of harm.
How do people choose where to donate their money? What are the best ways to donate? Here’s how to decide where your money will do the most good.
Saying no to a patient’s treatment requests is often complicated
ENTtoday spent a few minutes with Alessandra Colaianni, a surgical resident at Massachusetts Eye and Ear, to find out how she keeps up with her passion for non-fiction writing, while maintaining a busy schedule.
ENTtoday’s goal this year was was to continue the things people love about while making the publication more timely, more fun to and leave readers with something to think about. Here’s a look back at 2018.
For many otolaryngologists, staying on top of compounding regulatory requirements can feel like an impossible endeavor.
A look at managing patients who show hostility due to your race, religion, or sex.
The promise of EMRs—more efficient workflow, improved patient care, even increased patient safety—may still be worthwhile.
In elective neck dissections for most HNSCC primary sites, level IIB nodes can be left intact, thus minimizing risk of damage to the spinal accessory nerve.
A look at the ideal methods of skin preparation to reduce surgical site infection (SSI) in head and neck surgery.
Neoadjuvant, systemic therapy and surgical resection followed by risk-adapted adjuvant therapy allowed a high number of patients to avoid radiation therapy.
Compared to ETT surface electrodes, anterior laryngeal electrodes (ALEs) provide similar and stable electromyographic responses with equal sensitivity during neural monitoring in thyroid and parathyroid surgery.
Intraoperative endoscopic surveillance was particularly useful in evaluating the epitympanum, mesotympanum, sinus tympani, and supratubal air cells.
A look at the temporal trends demographics, treatment, and prognosis of oral cavity cancer over a 40-year period.
A look at the association between intensive care unit-patient height and risk of postintubation posterior glottic stenosis (PGS)?