Novel Technologies That Expand How Otolaryngologists Treat Patients
Minimally invasive procedures are among the leading new technologies that are making it possible for procedures once done in the operating room to take place in the office setting.
Minimally invasive procedures are among the leading new technologies that are making it possible for procedures once done in the operating room to take place in the office setting.
ENTtoday spent a few minutes with Doug Girod, MD to find out what it’s like to move between careers, how he maintains his clinical practice, and what challenges he sees for otolaryngologists in the future.
We know that burnout, depression, and maladaptive coping mechanisms such as substance abuse are prevalent in our community. However, we do not openly discuss them and we fail to normalize these experiences.
With the onslaught of all of this new technology, how do we make sure we balance humanity with our increasing reliance on machines?
The only mechanism for both decreasing the cost and improving quality in medicine is through innovation and the creation of new technologies.
Reimbursement for a service or procedure that does not have a specific CPT code can be complex, but can be navigated with some basic understanding
ENTtoday’s list of science-based resources for otolaryngologists includes websites, medical indexes, podcasts, and videos that are all available for education and awareness about the world of otolaryngology.
A rhinologist and facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon discuss existing treatment options for nasal airway obstruction.
Drains have been ubiquitously used in head and neck procedures to obliterate dead space, approximate skin flaps, and thereby promote wound healing.
Acupuncture has shown encouraging results when utilized within a variety of ear, nose, and throat procedures.
Injection medialization with a temporary injectable can improve symptoms of hoarseness, dysphonia, feeding difficulties, and aspiration in pediatric patients with unilateral VFI.
The NRMP’s Institutional, Program, and Applicant Match Participation Agreement (MPA) and Code of Conduct (COC) were established to prohibit undesirable interview behaviors and forbid coercion of applicants to declare a program’s ranking.
OP evaluation was associated with higher rates of total thyroidectomy and central lymph node dissection without increasing the yield of malignancy or decreasing the rate of completion thyroidectomy
A central radiological pattern of mucosal disease is associated with inhalant allergen sensitization.
ABI remains the standard option for surgical hearing rehabilitation in NF2, but peak performance is generally lower than that achievable with CIs.
A short course of postoperative steroids decreased postoperative tonsillectomy hemorrhage risk.
RTST can be successfully performed after prior tracheal reconstruction with good postoperative outcomes.