The Controversy Over Maintenance of Certification
Some physicians opt out of MOC, citing high cost, irrelevance and general frustration. What is the value of recertification?
Some physicians opt out of MOC, citing high cost, irrelevance and general frustration. What is the value of recertification?
A concerted effort to supplement the p-value with other measures more aptly applied to clinical medicine is rapidly evolving.
The power of networking shouldn’t be lost on otolaryngologists, particularly early-career physicians, fellows, and residents.
Studies have consistently shown that active learning methods are the best way for students to understand, absorb, retain, and utilize information.
Your online reputation should be as exceptional as your clinical skills.
The literature supports dexamethasone as an effective agent for prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting.
Questions remain regarding the ideal criteria for transfusion in these patients.
There is level 1 evidence that suggests UPPP surgery is an effective treatment for OSA in the appropriately selected patient.
In untreated RRP patients presenting to three laryngology clinics, males had more anatomic sites affected by papilloma than females.
Surgical workflow was more streamlined with the da Vinci Sp system.
Vestibular loss can cause imbalance, unsteady vision, and a 12-fold increased risk of falls and fall-associated morbidity.
POL is among the most common causes of olfactory impairment, creating substantial negative impact on patients’ quality of life.
Approximately 66% of patients who were on PPIs for LPRD were successfully weaned.