How Otolaryngologists Can Apply Predictive Medicine to Patient Care
Screening for newborn hearing loss, typing bitter taste receptors, HPV testing may help physicians prevent disease, determine proactive treatment strategies
Screening for newborn hearing loss, typing bitter taste receptors, HPV testing may help physicians prevent disease, determine proactive treatment strategies
Recommendations clarify optimal use of tubes, perioperative assessment of patients, postsurgical care
Evidence suggests link between stomach enzyme and chronic pulmonary disease, presents treatment challenge for patients with positive pepsin test
Assay for pepsin enzyme in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid highly accurate for assessing aspiration-associated extraesophageal reflux disease; may impact how physicians diagnose, treat pediatric patients with chronic lung disease
Ongoing payment reform, healthcare consolidation forces otolaryngology practices to reconsider ways doctors are paid
Routine checkups of what is or isn’t working at a current job can help otolaryngologists meld their values, strengths, passions with career path
Home sleep studies, automatic positive air pressure machines, varied surgical procedures spur physicians to explore non-traditonal options
Regarding the article “Malpractice and the Otolaryngologist" (ENTtoday, October 2013), EMRs are expensive, time consuming, and will lead to lawsuits
A 97-year-old man presents with worsening dysphagia, odynophagia, mild hoarseness
Conventional splints have been linked to increased postoperative pain; thinner splints may result in improved mucosal status, less postsurgical discomfort
Is there a difference in the effect on the bone conduction threshold of two different techniques of penetrating the stapes footplate during otosclerosis surgery?
Does monopolar cautery use adversely affect an existing cochlear implant?
Evidence does not support routine use of mastoid pressure dressing to prevent hematoma, but loose dressings may be beneficial
Sleep interruptions can reduce patients’ threshold of pain, increase risk of complications, extend convalescence, contribute to poor physical/mental performance, lower patient satisfaction
Is obesity linked to sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) in children?
How do nasal sprays and irrigations compare in delivering topical agents to the human olfactory epithelium?
Is it possible to determine more standardized clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for retropharyngeal abscesses (RPAs)?
How useful is botulinum toxin (BT) for treating oromandibular dystonia (OMD)?