Surgical intervention is indicated when patients have four to six episodes of acute sinusitis lasting four weeks or less each with asymptomatic periods in the interim.

Surgical intervention is indicated when patients have four to six episodes of acute sinusitis lasting four weeks or less each with asymptomatic periods in the interim.
There is little physiologic data comparing Eustachian tube function in each ear, but clinically relevant information can be gleaned from studies on surgical outcomes.
The overall incidence of esophageal secondary malignancies is low in patients with HNSCC
The use of neuromodulators appears to be helpful in patients with chronic idiopathic/ neurogenic cough
The incidence of alteration in taste sensation with coblation lingual tonsillectomy, TORS tongue-base reduction, and submucosal lingualplasty is sufficiently high to warrant warning patients.
The majority of recurrences occur within the first two posttreatment years
TRIO Best Practice articles are brief, structured reviews designed to provide the busy clinician with a handy outline and reference for day-to-day clinical decision making. The ENTtoday summaries below include […]
Desensitization is cost-effective, with several high-quality studies demonstrating improved disease control
Available evidence suggests the clear safety of the bjork flap, but there is not enough of it to recommend it at this time
Topical beta-blocker therapy is a safe treatment for patients that meet a certain criteria