Based on studies of the previously available bivalent and quadrivalent HPV vaccines, the current HPV vaccine is safe and proves efficacious in both adult women and men aged over 26 years.

Based on studies of the previously available bivalent and quadrivalent HPV vaccines, the current HPV vaccine is safe and proves efficacious in both adult women and men aged over 26 years.
CT and MRI are widely available and afford excellent anatomic resolution.
ESS can be considered in patients that are refractory to medical management as a non-destructive option, as risk to hearing is low.
Management remains controversial because there is no universally accepted consensus on the threshold for surgical intervention, appropriate treatment strategy, frequency of surveillance, and ablative versus excisional management
New cochlear impant users consistently demonstrate improvements in attention, episodic, and working memory, as well as processing speed, even after as little as 6 months experience with their devices.
The management of vestibular neuritis with corticosteroids remains controversial.
There is a critical need for high-quality randomized control trials to determine if diuretics are effective for treating Meniére’s disease.
Defining significant asymmetric sensorineural hearing loss (ASNHL) is important to determine if a patient requires further evaluation for retrocochlear pathology.
A look at the major advantages and disadvantages of these electrodes to help guide surgeons considering electrode type.
A common question by patients with newly diagnosed vestibular schwannomas (VS) is, Which treatment will best preserve my hearing?”