The use of systemic corticosteroids in PTA can reduce pain and trismus, resulting in an earlier return to normal diet and activities

The use of systemic corticosteroids in PTA can reduce pain and trismus, resulting in an earlier return to normal diet and activities
Longitudinal studies suggest e-cigarettes to be no more effective than already existing smoking cessation product
The choice of flap used in onlay reconstruction depends on patient factors, donor site morbidity, and the availability of technical expertise for microvascular anastomosis
Voice therapy, injection laryngoplasty, and bilateral medialization thyroplasty are all appropriate choices for treatment of the aging voice
Extracapsular dissection can be an effective and low-risk method for removing benign, supercial parotid tumors that are less than 4 cm
Video head impulse testing, vestibular evoked myogenic potential testing improve ability to probe end organ function, identify vestibular dysfunction
Evidence suggests a 24-hour pH probe (pHP) and multichannel esophageal intralumenal impedance testing is superior to pHP alone
PDT appears to be a safe alternative to open surgical tracheotomy, although it may increase risk of asymptomatic tracheal stenosis
Most studies point toward hemithyroidectomy as adequate treatment for PTMC without sacrificing locoregional control
Partial tonsillectomy is equivalent to total tonsillectomy for the treatment of obstructive symptoms in children; however the outcomes are not standardized and many studies are limited