TRIO Best Practice articles are brief, structured reviews designed to provide the busy clinician with a handy outline and reference for day-to-day clinical decision making. The ENTtoday summaries below include […]

TRIO Best Practice articles are brief, structured reviews designed to provide the busy clinician with a handy outline and reference for day-to-day clinical decision making. The ENTtoday summaries below include […]
Questions remain regarding the ideal criteria for transfusion in these patients.
Ampicillin/sulbactam is the preferred perioperative prophylactic antibiotic in major head and neck surgery.
The overall incidence of esophageal secondary malignancies is low in patients with HNSCC
The incidence of alteration in taste sensation with coblation lingual tonsillectomy, TORS tongue-base reduction, and submucosal lingualplasty is sufficiently high to warrant warning patients.
The majority of recurrences occur within the first two posttreatment years
Topical beta-blocker therapy is a safe treatment for patients that meet a certain criteria
Patients with T1 and T2N0 oral tongue cancer are likely to benefit a from specimen-driven margin assessment
The decision is one of the greatest debates within maxillofacial trauma
A trend toward more conservative surgical management with lobectomy prevails over total thyroidectomy