Surgical incision using electrocautery can be quicker, with less blood loss and better postoperative pain scores.

Surgical incision using electrocautery can be quicker, with less blood loss and better postoperative pain scores.
Despite the increased morbidity and risks associated with revision surgery, select patients benefit from re-operation in the setting of recurrent well-differentiated thyroid cancer.
The literature supports the use of thyroglobylin washout as an adjunct to fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) as it improves diagnostic accuracy.
Observation following a positive sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) for head and neck cutaneous melanoma (HNCM) is likely a reasonable approach to offer patients, as survival is unchanged in prospective clinical trials.
Identification of sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) in head and neck melanoma can be particularly challenging, due in part to the unpredictable and diffuse lymphatic drainage of the head and neck.
There is no conclusive evidence that extraction is required when a healthy tooth is present within the fracture line.
The studies presented demonstrate that sentinel lymph node biopsy with lymphoscintigraphy is an important technique in the management of clinical merkel cell carcinoma.
For low-risk cSCC, 4 to 6 mm margins are recommended, whereas for low-risk BCC, the recommendation is for 4 mm margins.
The practice of discontinuing estrogen therapy for two weeks prior to surgery should be weighed against individual risk factors, mode of administration, and side effects.
Transoral thyroidectomy can be safely performed in a select group of patients. Here are its unique advantages and guidance on when it should be used.