Evidence suggests a 24-hour pH probe (pHP) and multichannel esophageal intralumenal impedance testing is superior to pHP alone

Evidence suggests a 24-hour pH probe (pHP) and multichannel esophageal intralumenal impedance testing is superior to pHP alone
Voice therapy techniques can help improve voice quality in children without negative side effects
What are the risks of post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage associated with peri-operative ketorolac use for adult and pediatric patients?
What characteristics and disparities are associated with pediatric acute bacterial sinusitis (ABS) complications?
How effective is bilateral cochlear implantation versus unilateral implantation in children with sensorineural hearing loss?
Research raises concerns that high noise levels from infant sleep machines may cause hearing loss in babies, incur additional loss in teens
Is there an increased risk of post-tonsillectomy bleeding when dexamethasone is used intraoperatively?
What do parents value in outpatient experiences with their children’s otolaryngology and pediatric surgeons?
Combined with a thorough history, physical, and audiologic exam along with ophthalmologic consultation, children with SNHL should be evaluated using sequencing algorithm based on degree of hearing loss