In a prospective study, researchers have found that most otitis media infections are associated with rhinovirus upper respiratory infections-making the prospect of a vaccine to prevent the ear infections remote.

In a prospective study, researchers have found that most otitis media infections are associated with rhinovirus upper respiratory infections-making the prospect of a vaccine to prevent the ear infections remote.
Physicians have suggested that the likelihood of failure of surgery to correct subglottic stenosis appears to be related to the age of the child at the time of treatment and whether the child is being treated at a tertiary care facility.
Even though tonsillectomies are a commonly performed procedure, research continues to find out more about how to best do the surgery, as well as other values of the procedure.
If recent evidence showing that a hearing injury in infants is a predictor of susceptibility to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is validated with further studies, a perplexing and horrifying syndrome that has caused much consternation and anguish may potentially be detected by a simple hearing test at birth.
Experts agree that continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the gold standard for management of obstructive sleep apnea.
Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) is a major problem in children because it is associated with behavioral, cognitive, and emotional morbidity.
Does the time between aspiration and retrieval of an airway foreign body affected the pediatric patient’s outcome?