Research recommends a cervical approach for revision cases, large pseudocysts to confirm diagnosis and allow placement of drain through neck

Research recommends a cervical approach for revision cases, large pseudocysts to confirm diagnosis and allow placement of drain through neck
Recommendations suggest evidence-based guidelines, legal mandates be instated to increase compliance with measures to offset dangers of inhaling surgical smoke
Triological Society lecturer stresses two-pronged approach to preventing cancer
Physicians at Triological Society annual meeting discuss advantages of the multidisciplinary treatment planning approach
Triological Society panel discuss surgical techniques, technology, tips to avoid litigation
New studies suggest brain’s neural network including amygdala, reticular formation, and hippocampus involved in tinnitus
Pharmaceutical research on treating inner ear disorders ramps up
Research suggests external DCR provides better outcomes after one year, but endoscopic DCR is evolving with similar outcomes
Research suggests lingual tonsillectomy can help improve OSA in children
Instant messaging, texting, oral interpretation, other non-clinical tools have made referrals, surgery easier for deaf, hard of hearing otolaryngologists