Current evidence supports that propranolol is safe to use for otherwise healthy infants with IH

Current evidence supports that propranolol is safe to use for otherwise healthy infants with IH
Extracapsular dissection can be an effective and low-risk method for removing benign, supercial parotid tumors that are less than 4 cm
Patients who undergo limited ELS resections can be assured of having a similar to improved voice after healing
Drug-induced sleep endoscopy and cine MRI are the most commonly reported tools to identify obstruction sites for children with persistent OSA
MADs reduce AHI, increase oxygen saturation, and improve the main symptoms of mild to moderate OSAHS
Replacing damaged vocal cord tissue with implanted new tissue engineered from vocal fold mucosa that is similar biologically and physiologically to that of native human tissue may one day offer a new surgical approach to restoring the voice in people with severe vocal cord damage
This article was originally published in The Laryngoscope. 2013;123:304-305. Background Current trends in auditory rehabilitation for single-sided deafness (SSD) reflect a renewed interest in the functional impact of unilateral hearing […]
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy continues to be employed for treatment of all stages of ORN despite its lack of proven efficacy
A new computer program may be able to predict which children with hearing loss treated with cochlear implants will develop effective language skills after implantation.