Managing head and neck cancer involves high-stakes decisions that are full of nuance

Managing head and neck cancer involves high-stakes decisions that are full of nuance
Patients who present with isolated mandible fractures may benefit from concussion screening
Voice therapy, injection laryngoplasty, and bilateral medialization thyroplasty are all appropriate choices for treatment of the aging voice
Gadolinium contrast enhanced T1 weighted magnetic resonance imaging (GdT1W MRI) is the most widely accepted evaluation for asymmetric sensorineural hearing loss (ASNHL)
The chronic use of intraglandular OBTXA reduced the size of the salivary glands measured ultrasonographically, and correlated with successful clinical results
Data suggest a shifting trend in mandible fracture management, with no statistical increase in complications when using manual reduction with ORIF
Distraction osteogenesis can be very effective in improving upper airway obstruction in children with micrognathia
Panelists at the Triological Society Sections Meeting covered when to attempt surgery, when to avoid it, and special techniques to use
New study reports that children in the U.S. who present with nasopharyngeal carcinoma are more often black and have advanced disease compared with adults
For patients diagnosed with human papillomavirus (HPV)-related oropharyngeal cancer, detection of HPV DNA in oral rinse samples after diagnosis may provide a useful biomarker to identify patients at increased risk of recurrence after treatment