The use of therapeutic anticoagulation in the treatment of LST remains controversial

The use of therapeutic anticoagulation in the treatment of LST remains controversial
The decision to interrupt antiplatelet therapy must balance the patient’s thromboembolic risk and perioperative bleeding risk
Laboratory and imaging studies have limited value for the diagnosis of acute rhinosinusitis
Second-look procedures keeps overall recurrence from residual cholesteatoma rates similar to that of CWD procedures
Contaminated fluid could potentially contribute to sinonasal infections
Olfactory Impairment and Disease Etiology areLinked
SLNB has emerged as a powerful adjunct to END in early-stage OSCC to identify cervical metastases
Leech therapy is a temporary modality to decrease skin flap venous congestion until further revascularization occurs for venous outflow
Melatonin can be a useful tool to counter the effects of jet lag on human sleep-phase shifting when administered at the proper time
Future multicenter RCTs designed to investigate the use of lumbar drains in higher risk repairs are needed