New study uses machine learning on ultrasound images of thyroid nodules to predict risk of malignancy

New study uses machine learning on ultrasound images of thyroid nodules to predict risk of malignancy
Over the years, several Nobel Prizes have been awarded for research changing the understanding of vestibular organs and the inner ear.
In patients with high blood pressure resistant to treatment who also have obstructive sleep apnea, the more severe their OSA, the higher their blood pressure
Even the earliest stage of hearing loss—when hearing is still considered normal—is linked to cognitive decline, according to a new study
All individuals presenting with an extratympanic paraganglioma of the head and neck should undergo genetic testing.
Screening for depression in patients with OSA would be worthwhile because there is a high rate of comorbidity.
There is a critical need for high-quality randomized control trials to determine if diuretics are effective for treating Meniére’s disease.
The interaction between tobacco exposure and HPV infection in the context of OPSCC has significant implications for standard of care treatment regimens.
Sinonasal cancer shows an 11.7% recurrence rate after a five-year disease- free period, but varies by tumor pathology.