A look at how individual olfactory receptors flexibly recognize diverse odorants in terms of structure and mechanics.
Botulinum Neurotoxin Injections Improve Work Productivity in Employed Adults with Spasmodic Dysphonia
Patients who received botulinum neurotoxin injections into the intrinsic laryngeal musculature reported a significant improvement in voice-related work productivity and nonwork activity impairment.

New Tissue-Engineered Implant for Hemilarynx Reconstruction Shows Promising Results
The implant—the result of 10 years of work, according to the researchers—dangles the prospect of a new reconstruction option for laryngeal cancer.

Is Radiofrequency Ablation a Good Alternative to Surgery for Benign Thyroid Nodules? A Look at Benefits, Risks
Adenotonsillectomy Is Likely to Resolve Central Sleep Apnea in Most Children with OSA
Although OSA is known to lead to arousals and central apneas, no study has identified factors associated with CSA improvement following adenotonsillectomy.
No Inherent Increased COVID-19 Infection Risk in Patients with Chronic Rhinosinusitis
Patients with CRS are likely not inherently more vulnerable to COVID-19 infection at a rate above that of the general population.

Incidental Finding of Mastoiditis Due to Imaging Test Opacity Does Not Constitute Clinical Diagnosis
An otolaryngological review is suggested if clinical examination detects ontological signs or symptoms.
Oncologic Outcomes in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer Improve Incrementally with Surgical Margin Category
There is a stepwise improvement in oncologic outcomes as surgical margin categorically improves from involved to close to clear.
Early Otolaryngology Evaluation Advised for Neonates with Esophageal Atresia/ Tracheoesophageal Fistula
Patients with EA/TEF frequently have aerodigestive sequelae, suggesting the need for early otolaryngology evaluation in their care.
Patient Etiologies and Treatment Outcomes for Dysphonia Differ Between Key Age Groups
Patients older than 65 can obtain significant benefits from surgery and voice therapy.
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