Compared to traditional open surgery, endoscopic procedures are associated with less patient morbidity and shorter postoperative recovery.

Compared to traditional open surgery, endoscopic procedures are associated with less patient morbidity and shorter postoperative recovery.
What do variables in the National Cancer Database (NCDB) suggest about treatment decisions between surgery and radiation for early stage glottic carcinoma (EGC)? BOTTOM LINE Most patients in the NCDB […]
Age and smoking, but not body mass index, are associated with laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR).
The Questionnaire of Olfactory Disorders (QOD) might help predict symptoms of depression in olfactory dysfunction (OD) patients.
Care delays related to evaluations by multiple providers and misdiagnosis prolong the time to diagnosis in patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma that is not associated with, or negative for, human papillomavirus.
In the era of effective adjuvant systemic therapies, the use of ICI alone in the adjuvant setting may be insufficient to effectively reduce regional failure.
Surgical incision using electrocautery can be quicker, with less blood loss and better postoperative pain scores.
There is enough evidence to support posterior nasal nerves (PNN) as an effective treatment for allergic rhinitis symptoms, particularly nasal congestion and rhinorrhea.
We describe a transseptal approach by elevating bilateral mucoperichondrial flaps and approaching a lesion from the contralateral side.