A new, minimally invasive technology known as balloon sinuplasty can safely and successfully dilate blocked sinus ostia in select patients with chronic sinusitis, according to early observations in a small number of patients.

A new, minimally invasive technology known as balloon sinuplasty can safely and successfully dilate blocked sinus ostia in select patients with chronic sinusitis, according to early observations in a small number of patients.
Patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) who have no history of tobacco or significant alcohol use appear to be more likely to present with earlier disease and smaller initial T-stage, but have worse than expected outcomes.
It is agreed that sudden single-sided deafness is an emergency that is typically treated with corticosteroids.
The use of positron emission tomography (PET) is not sensitive enough to warrant routine use in post-curative chemoradiation therapy diagnosis of patients with node-positive head and neck cancer, according to researchers in the field.
Diagnostic comfort and convenience, but cost and endoscopic placement complicate use
Sleep studies to detect obstructive sleep apnea can be performed in the patient’s home—although the convenience and lower costs for performing the tests outside the laboratory are offset by a loss of accuracy.
Several states have considered taxing cosmetic surgical procedures, and one has passed legislation requiring a 6% tax on such procedures.
Focus shifted from infection to inflammation in new report and practice parameters