Part 2 of 2 articles

Otolaryngologists, immunologists, and other physicians specializing in asthma, allergies, and additional respiratory disorders watched the 2008 Beijing Olympics with bated breath.
Patients who undergo a transnasal esophagoscopy using narrow-band imaging are more likely to have dysplasia diagnosed with a biopsy than those who have the exam using only white light, researchers have reported.
In a prospective study, researchers have found that most otitis media infections are associated with rhinovirus upper respiratory infections-making the prospect of a vaccine to prevent the ear infections remote.
As this article is being written, the presidential campaign is in the final heat, and all eyes are turning toward the finish line.
Patients who were allowed to test drive a vocal fold injection-and who later decided on a permanent augmentation-found that the trial treatment translated in positive outcomes, researchers have found.
Part 1 of a series
As of October 1, all audiologists who provide services to Medicare patients must use their own National Provider Identifier (NPI) on claims submitted to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).