Balloon catheter sinuplasty appears safe for use among pediatric patients with chronic recurrent sinusitis

Balloon catheter sinuplasty appears safe for use among pediatric patients with chronic recurrent sinusitis
Plan needed to reposition centers to be economically viable in new third-party payer and regulatory climates
Otolaryngologists must prepare to accommodate a variety of facial structures, learn cultural sensitivity in talking to minority patients
Frequent heartburn independently associated with squamous cancers of the pharynx and larynx
Additive manufacturing enables physicians to create tracheal stents, ears
A 53-year-old man with a one-month history of bilateral tinnitus. An MRI detected a sphenoid tumor incidentally, and a contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan revealed a partially enhanced tumor in the left sphenoidal sinus that destroyed part of the skull base.
Reserve follow-up monitoring by imaging for patients whose cholesteatoma has likely been completely eradicated