Despite the accumulating evidence of feasibility, safety, and positive functional outcomes of the Expanded Transcanal Transpromontorial Approach, its spread has been restricted to few centers across the world.

Despite the accumulating evidence of feasibility, safety, and positive functional outcomes of the Expanded Transcanal Transpromontorial Approach, its spread has been restricted to few centers across the world.
Outpatients with voice and swallowing complaints are often referred to otolaryngologists who diagnose UVFP and may perform injection laryngoplasty under local anesthesia in the office setting.
Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) is often associated with nasal obstruction and inferior turbinate hypertrophy; is nasal surgery an option?
University of Washington researchers have created a screening system for hearing that uses a smartphone and low-cost earbuds rather than the commercial devices currently in use. The system is detailed in an article published in Nature […]
All patients treated with the hole-punch technique had excellent results with no additional recurrences, and no patients developed cauliflower deformity.
Is age-related hearing loss (HL) a risk factor for incident dementia? BOTTOM LINE HL diagnosis was independently associated with incident dementia when compared with no HL diagnosis, and individuals with a […]
Hearing loss in patients with vestibular schwannoma, both before and after treatment, is known to negatively impact quality of life.
SARS-CoV-2 can infect human inner ear cell types, and this infection may underlie COVID-19–associated problems with hearing and balance.
Expert physician panelists shared their advice on the many ways of surgically repairing a hole in the eardrum at a session during the 2022 Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting.