Initial radiographic evaluation in patients with unilateral PT can be challenging due to the many causes as well as the questionable results of some of the imaging findings

Initial radiographic evaluation in patients with unilateral PT can be challenging due to the many causes as well as the questionable results of some of the imaging findings
In this study, the Nucleus Hybrid S8 provided improved word understanding in quiet and noise
Gadolinium contrast enhanced T1 weighted magnetic resonance imaging (GdT1W MRI) is the most widely accepted evaluation for asymmetric sensorineural hearing loss (ASNHL)
A new computer program may be able to predict which children with hearing loss treated with cochlear implants will develop effective language skills after implantation.
Implantation of the poorer ear has raised concerns that the implant could be less beneficial in an auditory system that has been long deprived of stimulation
Literature shows a decrease of mean tinnitus questionnaire score after unilateral cochlear implantation; however, there is also a chance of increasing burden of existing tinnitus
Repetitive transcranial magnetic pulses may improve symptoms of tinnitus
The FDA says that the efficacy of certain drugs to treat otitis media, otitis externa, or excessive wax buildup has not been proven, and some have reports of adverse effects
Radiologists Hugh Curtin, MD and Caroline Robson, MBChB discuss indications for both CT and MRI imaging studies in the evaluation and management of otologic disease.