How effective is neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by transoral robotic surgery (NECTORS) and neck dissection compared with standard-of-care concurrent chemoradiation (CCRT) in patients with human papillomavirus (HPV)-related oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC)?

Awareness Fuels Olfactory Advances: Treating and Managing Smell Loss
More than 13 million U.S adults live with measurable smell dysfunction, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders.

How To: A Case Report of Transnasal Endoscopic Drainage for Upper Parapharyngeal Abscess
This is a case report of an upper parapharyngeal abscess arising from the progression of a central skull base osteomyelitis in a patient with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus. It’s unusual for its presentation in an upper parapharyngeal location, involvement of the skull base, and poor response to medical treatment, hence requiring transnasal endoscopic surgical drainage to achieve definitive treatment.

Current Indications for Surgical Intervention with Lateral Skull Base Osteomyelitis
Over the past few decades, a transition toward culture-directed antibiotics has shifted the treatment paradigm of SBO toward primary medical management, with mortality rates now decreasing to 10-20% compared to 50% initially.

Is There a Role for Holistic Medicine in Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery?
There are some ethical considerations in using a holistic approach to otolaryngology care, including privacy issues, inappropriate lifestyle interventions for a given patient, autonomy and informed consent, and cultural sensitivities.
Medicaid Expansion Associated with Improved Survival of Head and Neck Cancer
How does stage at presentation and survival compare when looking at cases of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in Medicaid-expanded states versus non-expanded states?

How To: Prelacrimal–Transmaxillary Approach to Lateral Sphenoid Recess Skull Base Defects
This study describes a prelacrimal–transpterygoid/maxillary approach that offers direct access to this region with a 0° endoscope.

How To: Modified Technique for Retrograde Placement of the Tracheoesophageal Voice Prosthesis in the Office
This article describes an updated and straightforward technique for in-office retrograde placement of the voice prosthesis in patients with challenging TEP tracts.
Can Anticoagulation Be Safely Continued in Most Otolaryngologic/Head and Neck Surgery?
Antithrombotic management is a key component of surgical optimization, as it necessitates balancing the risk of a peri-operative thrombotic event with the risk of bleeding.

How To: A Case Report of Transnasal Endoscopic Drainage for Upper Parapharyngeal Abscess
A safe technique for transnasal endoscopic drainage of upper parapharyngeal abscesses.
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