Operative middle and upper maxillofacial trauma decreased over a 17-year period, with assault identified as the most significant mechanism of trauma overall.
Data Shows Increasing Lack of Diversity within Elite Surgical Specialties, Especially Otolaryngology
Significant disparities exist in medical school enrollment for minority students and achievement of full professorship in otolaryngology, surgery, and internal medicine.

Should Exogenous Estrogens Be Stopped for Surgery in Transgender Women?
The practice of discontinuing estrogen therapy for two weeks prior to surgery should be weighed against individual risk factors, mode of administration, and side effects.

Why Facial Plastic Surgeons Should Consider Bringing More Surgical Procedures In-House
There are compelling reasons why office-based surgery has become more popular: It’s a comfortable alternative for patients, and it gives practitioners control over everything from staffing to sutures.

Should Isotretinoin Be Stopped Prior to Surgery?
Recent prospective clinical studies have not found an increased incidence of facial scarring in patients using isotretinoin in the perioperative period.

Dermal Fillers and Vaccine Reactions: How to Prepare Patients for the Rare Possibility

Should Tranexamic Acid Be Used to Reduce Intraoperative Blood Loss During Rhytidectomy?
There is no meaningful advantage to justify using tranexamic acid as a best practice measure in rhytidectomy.

Otolaryngologists Are Cautiously Optimistic about Platelet-Rich Plasma But Want More Evidence

Virtual Surgical Planning and Custom Implants Can Help Treat Complex Facial Trauma
High-tech tools such as virtual surgical planning (VSP) and 3D-printed implants are helping otolaryngologists treat patients with complex facial trauma with more accuracy for improved outcomes.
New Technique Uses Umbilical Cord Stem Cells for Early Cleft Palate Repair
A technique using umbilical cord blood stem cells could be a promising new approach for repair of cleft palate in infants
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