Studies have elucidated possible links between allergies and ear and throat complaints, suggesting that clinicians should consider allergies when managing conditions such as eustachian tube disorder and laryngitis.

Laboratory and imaging studies have limited value for the diagnosis of acute rhinosinusitis
Toxins from mold found growing on nuts or corn can weaken the airways’ self-clearing mechanisms and immunity, opening the door for respiratory diseases and exacerbating existing ones
Children with allergic rhinitis and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) should initially be treated for their allergic rhinitis and then monitored for improvement in ADHD symptoms
For patients with asthma and CRS, the addition of intranasal corticosteroids improved asthma symptoms and control as well as FEV1
New rhinosinusitis consensus statement sorts through a mountain of research to offer evidence-based pathology and therapy guidelines
Contact with cats and cockroaches may increase the risk for glaucoma, but contact with dogs could guard against the eye disease, say authors of a new study.
Research finds patients with seasonal allergies not well controlled by medication can be offered sublingual tablet immunotherapy
Stilianos Kountakis, MD, PhD, and Joshua Yelverton, MD, discuss the differences in sinonasal symptoms and clinical findings between patients with primary headache syndrome and chronic rhinosinusitis.