How does reflux affect laryngeal tissue quality? Background: Laryngopharyngeal reflux has deleterious effects on the larynx. Due to the poor intrinsic protective mechanisms in this tissue, damage occurs at a higher […]
Large Study IDs Risk Factors for Hemorrhage After Tonsillectomy
What are the main risk factors associated with postoperative hemorrhage following tonsillectomy? Background: The most serious risk associated with tonsillectomy is postoperative hemorrhage, with previous reports linking it to operative technique. […]
Laryngeal EMG Is Best Technique to Differentiate Arytenoid Dislocation from Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis
What are the incidence, diagnosis, laryngeal findings and management of arytenoid dislocation as a separate entity from vocal fold paralysis? Background: A rare clinical entity, arytenoid dislocation commonly presents with hoarseness, […]
Disposable Sterile Sheaths Effective Against Cross-Contamination
What is the efficacy of sterile sheath use to prevent cross-contamination when using a fiberoptic nasopharyngolaryngoscope (FNPL) in an otolaryngology clinic? Background: After each use of FNPL, the endoscope must be […]
Babbling Is Necessary for Speech and Language Development
What is the importance of pre-linguistic vocalization? Background: The characterization and significance of pre-linguistic vocalization has long been the subject of research and debate. Pre-linguistic vocalization can generally be classified into […]
New Interview Questions for Better Resident Selection
Can commercially available business tools be used to identify competencies specific to the junior otolaryngology resident and to develop behavioral-based interview questions and techniques? Background: The resident selection process cannot predict […]
Researchers Find Evidence of Esophageal-Nasal Reflex
Does a neural reflex exist that links the esophagus and the nasal airway, possibly explaining a mechanism for the association between gastroesophageal reflux (GER) disease and chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS)? Background: Many […]
Intraoral Removal Has Advantages over Submandibular Gland Resection
Are surgical outcomes better for intraoral removal of proximal submandibular stones or traditional submandibular gland (SMG) resection? Background: Salivary stones, the most common cause of salivary ductal obstruction, usually occur in […]
Injection Laryngoplasty Helps in Recovery of Vocal Fold Motion
What are the long-term outcomes of patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis (UVFP) who are treated with injection laryngoplasty (IL)? Background: IL, a temporary intervention for UVFP, is often performed in […]
Diagnosis of Supraglottitis in the Post-Immunization Era
What are the demographics, presentation, interventions and outcomes of acute supraglottitis in the era following widespread immunization against Haemophilus influenza type b? Background: The overall incidence of acute supraglottitis has decreased […]