There was no difference in midfacial growth measurements between expanded endonasal approaches and open-route patients after three years of imaging follow-up.

There was no difference in midfacial growth measurements between expanded endonasal approaches and open-route patients after three years of imaging follow-up.
Optimal outcomes for a laryngeal cancer patient can be achieved when taking into account tumor, host, and treatment factors.
Investigators have realized significant success in validated models using machine learning, but challenges remain in their implementation.
How accurate are tumor dimension measurements on ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging as compared with histopathology?
Ethmoidal arteries with pedicled septal floor rotational flaps, with their strong blood supply and large coverage area, are ideal replacements for the nasoseptal flap.
What is the prevalence of occult cervical disease and the evidence for using elective neck dissection (END)?
Ultrasound can be used effectively for precise sialolith localization intraoperatively, and can be repeated multiple times during any given procedure
The interaction between tobacco exposure and HPV infection in the context of OPSCC has significant implications for standard of care treatment regimens.
A look at the effect of therapeutic radiation exposure on airway volume, tissue deformation, and bony structure displacement in the setting of operative laryngoscopy.
The intraductal route of botulinum toxin delivery to salivary glands was without complication and was effective in two patients treated therapeutically.