What does retrospective data reveal about the 10-year efficacy of transoral mandibular preservation surgery for patients with T1-2 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) arising from the lateral oropharynx?
Definitive Resection for Occult Invasive Disease Recommended for Oral Cavity Carcinoma in Situ
Rates and clinical outcomes support the practice of definitive resection for occult invasive disease if feasible following a biopsy that demonstrates oral cavity cis.
Incidence of Head and Neck Cancer with Isolated Complaint of Globus Pharyngeus Is Low
Globus pharyngeus is the vague sensation of having something stuck in the throat, with no single known etiology. Research shows low incidences of head and neck cancer with isolated complaint.
Avoiding Radiation Therapy for HPV-OPSCC Can Help Quality of Life for Younger Patients
Avoiding radiation therapy for human papillomavirus virus−associated oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (HPV-OPSCC) can help quality of life for younger patients.