What are the long-term outcomes of children with Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) who underwent concurrent balloon dilation Eustachian tuboplasty (BDET) and tympanostomy tube (TT) placement?
Long-Term Efficacy of Transoral Mandibular Preservation Therapy for T1-2 SCC of Lateral Oropharynx Confirmed
What does retrospective data reveal about the 10-year efficacy of transoral mandibular preservation surgery for patients with T1-2 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) arising from the lateral oropharynx?
Hearing Loss Associated with Reduced Physical Activity Among Elderly without Hearing Aids
What is the impact of hearing status among older individuals on a variety of physical activities, and what association exists between hearing aid use and physical activity in individuals with hearing loss?
Integration of AI into Otorhinolaryngology Expands with Future Promise
CLINICAL QUESTION What are the implications of applying various branches of artificial intelligence (AI) to the subfields of otology, rhinology, laryngology, and head and neck? BOTTOM LINE Given its progression, […]
Opioid Prescription Stable Among Sleep Surgeons, While Opioid Costs Trend Downward
Opioid prescription patterns among sleep surgeons in the U.S. remained stable from 2013 to 2021; surgeons with longer tenures exhibited higher rates of opioid prescribing during this time.
Topical Beta-Blocker Effective First-Line Treatment for Infantile Hemangioma
The topical beta-blocker timolol can be an effective first-line treatment for controlling symptoms of ulcerated IHs; however, its use should be carefully monitored.
Leukotriene Modulator a Safe Pharmacological Option for Children with Adenoid Hypertrophy
Leukotriene Modulator a Safe Pharmacological Option for Children with Adenoid Hypertrophy
Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections Promising Treatment Option for Patients with Vocal Fold Scar and Sulcus
PRP injections resulted in improved patient-reported outcome measures and auditory–perceptual measures of voice and are a promising treatment option for vocal fold scar and sulci.
Biochemical Composition of the Dorsal Septal Cartilage May Contribute to Weakening and Ultimate Nasal Valve Compromise
Biochemical Composition of the Dorsal Septal Cartilage May Contribute to Weakening and Ultimate Nasal Valve Compromise
Evidence of Benign Vascular Anomalies Becoming Malignant Angiosarcoma Indicates Need for Increased Surveillance in Patients
Can benign vascular anomalies transform into highly malignant angiosarcoma (AS), and is a more aggressive biopsy/surgical approach warranted in certain cases of these anomalies?
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