One paddle elevates and lateralizes the upper lip and commissure, while the second paddle depresses the lower lip.

One paddle elevates and lateralizes the upper lip and commissure, while the second paddle depresses the lower lip.
The purpose of this research is to facilitate the use of a deep-learning architecture with the GRBAS scale in clinical practice.
Instead of removing the keel in the operating room under general anesthesia, this can be done in the office with topical anesthesia.
This “parachute” technique can be used with both autologous free grafts and synthetic materials.
This study aims to present and discuss the results associated with a combined surgical approach of several methods to treat patients with severe breathy hoarseness.
A spectrum of otoplasty techniques—including suturing, cartilage modifications, and cartilage grafting—can address congenital auricular anomalies with significant contour improvements.
The results of this study suggest that endoscopic revision stapes surgery is feasible and may provide a platform for a larger study to validate the efficacy of this approach with long-term outcomes.