While use of artificial intelligence in otolaryngology is in its infancy, the benefits of employing these technologies show great promise.

While use of artificial intelligence in otolaryngology is in its infancy, the benefits of employing these technologies show great promise.
Dr. Taffet, a practicing otolaryngologist at the Phoenix Sinus Center in Arizona, discusses how the art of skydiving has helped him relieve stress.
A look at the results of a study on the presenting acute symptoms of the 25 American diplomates and family members following exposure to an as yet unknown source while serving in their embassy roles in Havana starting in 2016.
Recommendations for preoperative education, nutritional care, antibiotic stewardship, fluid management, pain management, and postoperative care for head and neck cancer surgery.
Dr. Samkon Gado has had the good fortune to have found two careers to love—professional football and medicine.
Joint commission guidelines may be overinterpreted in some cases, with no improved value or lessening of harm.
ENTtoday spent a few minutes with Alessandra Colaianni, a surgical resident at Massachusetts Eye and Ear, to find out how she keeps up with her passion for non-fiction writing, while maintaining a busy schedule.
How do people choose where to donate their money? What are the best ways to donate? Here’s how to decide where your money will do the most good.
The primary reasons medical students cited for not voting were lack of time and demanding schedules.