If you’re an otolaryngology resident considering a private practice career, how do you decide what the value of a fellowship is to you?

If you’re an otolaryngology resident considering a private practice career, how do you decide what the value of a fellowship is to you?
Although the science of 3D printing is more than 30 years old, its appication in treating infants and children with airway conditions is much newer.
For this month’s “From the Editor,” I wanted to show how committed ENTtoday’s board members and colleagues are to receiving the vaccine.
Podcasts were a popular format before this year, but COVID-19 created a greater need for online medical education resources.
Your virtual office needs to include appropriate communication technology to reduce the risk of voice and hearing problems while practicing telehealth.
If the COVID-19 pandemic ended tomorrow, here’s what my hope would be for 2021.
The conversation about which medical specialists are best suited to treat patients with sleep disorders evolved even more recently.