There are differences between how a community-based practice and a tertiary care center might approach head and neck cancer diagnosis. But what are they and why do they exist?

There are differences between how a community-based practice and a tertiary care center might approach head and neck cancer diagnosis. But what are they and why do they exist?
It remains a challenging time to be a physician, but I’m hopeful we’ll see the light sometime soon.
Physicians now find themselves in the often uncomfortable position of advocating for the preventive health of patients in the context of a politicized public health response—vaccination.
Patient education and outreach are compelling enough reasons to embrace social media, but they’re by no means the only ones.
New imaging techniques using nanotechnology, as well as research advances in pharmaceutical treatments, may mean a wide range of solutions for hearing loss are within sight.
When researchers looked at the load of psychological stressors that contribute to biological functioning, they found something somewhat surprising: Race didn’t play a role when social factors were taken into consideration.
Panelists at the 2021 American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) Annual Meeting discussed how to avoid unnecessary testing and when, exactly, vestibular tests are needed.
Experts at the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Annual Meeting discussed the main features, benefits, and drawbacks of the largest databases, while emphasizing that even though using them correctly isn’t a simple matter, it is a vital one.
As one of the registrants, especially one who debated about whether or not to go all the way up to the meeting date, can say it was a great experience and one I’m glad to have attended.