It’s important a patient understands their options: performing surgery to remove the nodule permanently and RFA, which gives patients the ability to have the nodule reduced in size with no incision, under a local anesthetic.

If the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us anything, it’s that working in collaboration can bring the swiftest and most creative solutions to our problems.
For Soham Roy, MD, MMM, being able to perform violin on stage with one of his longtime patients was “one of the coolest things I ever did.”
What responsibility do we have in the otolaryngology community to police ourselves?
Caring for a colleague in medicine carries additional responsibilities, including navigating potential challenges to your care in the context of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and social justice.
Here’s a look at some of the latest developments in pediatric otolaryngology.
From loss of smell to vocal cord paralysis, here are the ways COVID-19 has left its mark on otolaryngology patients.
Offering medical students a means to learn more about residency programs via Instagram demonstrates one generation reaching out to the future members of the field.
ENTConnect has become increasingly muddled by a select few posters who are using the forum to promote themselves and their personal views on the COVID-19 pandemic.
This year will mark the 175th anniversary of the American Medical Association (AMA).