A new book written by Roy Sessions, MD, takes a holistic approach to patients with cancer from psychological, moral and religious perspectives

A new book written by Roy Sessions, MD, takes a holistic approach to patients with cancer from psychological, moral and religious perspectives
Revised education model would let residents explore specialty earlier, help meet demand for more surgeons, otolaryngologist Randal S. Weber, MD, told physicians at the Triological Society’s 116th annual meeting during the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings
Three researchers were recognized for studies in the cost value of bilateral cochlear implants, the usefulness of multidisciplinary tumor conferences in treating head and neck cancer, and a test for infections in cases of chronic rhinosinusitis. The awards were given at the Triological Society’s 116th annual meeting held during the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings
Physicians shared tips to avoid pitfalls of facial plastic surgery and reconstruction at the Triological Society’s 116th annual meeting held during the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings
Changing what is taught, and how it’s taught, can maximize the effectiveness of medical education, consultant L. Dee Fink, PhD, told otolaryngologists in his keynote address at the Triological Society’s 116th annual meeting held during the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings
Lasers, imaging devices have made performing common tests and procedures easier to do in-house, medical experts said at the Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings
A look at the functions and structure of the federally funded Medicare Shared Savings Program, and some privately run ACOs
As the ACO healthcare delivery model evolves and expands, otolaryngologists may play an active role in shaping the future of accountable care