Personal tribute to the late head and neck surgeon, known for being an excellent teacher and motivator
Personal tribute to the late head and neck surgeon, known for being an excellent teacher and motivator
Legal steps that need to be taken before you can leave your medical practice
Optical tools, imaging, fully implantable cochlear implants among latest advances in push for better diagnostic, treatment approaches for inner ear disorders
Patient satisfaction accounts for 30% of CMS value-based purchasing model for hospital reimbursement
Physician empathy training can help doctors shift between analytical, empathic modes rapidly
Physician assistants, nurse practitioners valuable assets as physicians aim to deliver better patient experience, improve their bottom line
Clinical Consensus Statement on septoplasty clarifies role of the procedure
Effective patient care requires a human touch
Adding office-based or awake laryngeal procedures to your practice is possible, and, once incorporated, it could be a big benefit